Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mail Drop Update

I have updated our expected mail drop dates for the upcoming mail drops. We're a few days behind our original projection, so there's still time for Woods Hole (see below); the rest of the information is on the about page.

Joanna Swanson / Mark Fickett
c/o Woods Hole Hostel
3696 Sugar Run Road
Pearisburg VA 24134

Please hold for AT hiker
ETA October 9, 2010

And hooray and thanks again for food, and poems, and lions, and more food, and sewing kits, and the general excitement of the last mail drop!


  1. Mary Mark's Mom03 October, 2010 17:09

    Enjoyed the pictures! I see you've broken out your rain boots. Re: the laundromat pic: I'm curious to know what AT hikers were doing with a large flowered bedsheet - assuming that is really what the one guy is wrapped up in!

    Back to grading papers...


  2. Re: flowered bedsheet, we were all at a motel (which also had a laundry machine), so they were wrapped up in their sheets.
